
(The online tool is now closed. Thank you to all respondents!)

Welcome to share your views and input on the EFI's vision and mission, which will be created together by EFI Member Countries, Organisational Members, Staff, Board, Scientific Advisory Board and the External Evaluation Group. By updating our vision and mission,  we can develop EFI in the best possible way to respond to the challenges of the future.

Please give your input on EFI vision and mission by Friday 25 February, 16.00 hrs (CET). By the end of March 2011, we will present the results to EFI Board and in June to EFI Council. We will keep you up-to-date of the outcome by e-mail and present it also to you at the Annual Conference in September.

Best regards,                                              


Risto Päivinen




Responding will take about 10 minutes of your time, depending on how much input you want to give. You can return multiple times using the same link, but because of respondent anonymity, your previous answers will not be displayed. If you experience technical problems in responding, please contact Teppo Nieminen by e-mail (teppo.nieminen@fountainpark.com).


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