Thank you for showing interest in Global Responsibility Advisory Panel. Participation time has ended for now; panel was open 02-10/2013.
In the Advisory Panel we asked our stakeholders to influence our recently launched Global Responsibility Strategy and its three Lead Areas, which were outlined for the participants in the panel.
We at Stora Enso have been pleased to notice that a total of 614 (184 in 2012) participants from 47 (20) countries representing different stakeholder groups participated in this Online Advisory Panel.
The feedback of the panel is taken into account in Stora Enso Global Responsibility Strategy and it will also
form basis for our priorisation of sustainability topics in our upcoming Global Responsibility Report 2013.
For us, Global Responsibility is about opening our eyes and ears to the world, so as to understand what is expected
from us. It is about rethinking our work all the time, and driving change. With your help we can do this even better.
Thank you again for your interest. If you want to know how our responsibility work continues, please visit our website.
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